March – JULY 2021

Once I started moving away from actually animating in my career, I of course missed it. Not enough to request that I do more of it, of course, but there’s a certain itch there that only animation can scratch.

Around this time, I had just gone through a pretty large amount of personal development and growth, through readings, proper mentorship, life experience, and so-forth. That, in combination with my yearning to animate again, manifested itself into a series of health & wellness videos.

I told myself if I was going to do this, I was going to go all-out. This meant creating an entire series of videos (which ended up being 8), planning out when to post them, creating supplementary materials like summaries and behind-the-scenes footage, and, of course, mapping out a schedule for when to post everything. While you can see most of the series on my Instagram and LinkedIn profiles (links in footer), you can see a short clip from each video below.

Thanks for visiting. Seriously.

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